The Archives of BFF

02/15/12: Battle of the Bands.

This story's purpose is to expose sin, not to glorify. As a reader, you are challenge in identifying what is considered sin or Christ-like. Remember, you are reading a testimony. Therefore, if God can help them, then He can do so much more for you!
Jesus can heal you.
Jesus can redeem you.
Jesus can save you.
“Welcome to So You Think You Have Talent. This is the stage where all of America’s best dance and music crews comes to battle one another. This is episode is bit different from the rest because we will be having a celebrity showdown,” said MC Caleb.
The crowd went wild in the dome arena, located in Newark, New Jersey.
People flew in all around the world to see their favorite group perform. Each audience section was flag with different colors. Neon blue, lime green, hot pink, black, and stripe white.
Those who were team Switch were in the hot pink section.
Awaiting backstage, all the members of Switch were spread out. Easiest way to identify us were the all shiny black outfits that we were wearing. Hard to miss.
“I can’t believe we got drag into do this,” Jermany said trying to loosen his arm cuffs.
Jermany, Carlos, and Zachary stood in a hallway near the dressing room.
Carlos glance to his side and notice eight teenagers slowly walking towards them.
“Who are they?” Carlos questioned.
The three discretely observe the group. It was six guys and two girls, all various in race and skin tone. Follow by them were two cameramen and a boom mic.
“I thought filming wasn’t going to start for another hour?” Zachary whispered.
The three fell back as the eight pass by.
“Never heard of Switch. Oh wait, I remember. They are that group formed by those audition commercials that use to come on TV,” one member said.
“Mid music in my opinion. Surprise they even got to be on the show,” said another member.
The three Switch members withheld there tongue as the group passed by. They were going to follow them until they notice the dressing room they went into.
“The Collective Brothers?,” Zachary said standing infront of their door.
Zachary laughed a bit as he carry himself back to Carlos and Jermany.
“You have to be serious,” Zachary chuckled.
“Who are The Collective Brothers?” Carlos asked.
Zachary was speechless by Carlos and Jermany lack of pop culture knowledge.
“The Collective Brothers? Seriously? They have their own reality TV show on TeenPlex. They are five seasons deep.”
“Never heard of them.”
“So they are popular?”
Zachary was once more speechless.
“Beyond popular. They keep winning the award for Best Group at the VVMAs. To them, we are at the bottom of the food chain.”
“Zachary. Carlos. Jermany,” I called from the dressing room.
As I walked towards them one of the members of The Collective Brothers ran into me. He came out of nowhere. Before I knew it, I was covered in a thick protein strawberry smoothie.
Those from the dressing room rushed out to see the ruckus while Zachary, Jermany, and Carlos came to my side.
“Oh my. I’m so sorry,” said Nathaniel (lead singer of TCB).
Zachary started to get uncomfortable when he notice the cameraman zooming in on me. “BACK OFF!” Zachary said shoving Nathaniel away from me.
“It was accident!”
Bouncing back, Nathaniel eyes open wide.
“Oh you all are Switch. Ex-S Records new toy,” Nathaniel laughed.
“What’s that suppose to mean,” Zachary said.
“What’s going on,” Mazen asked as Maknae Line sat in their corner of the dressing room.
The four glance at the crowded entrance.
“Must be serious for Simon to be standing on a chair,” Kyan said.
“Nothing wrong with being part of some charity work. I respect the hustle,” Nathaniel cheesed.
“Charity work,” Jermany bucked an eye.
David came to the front of the altercation, “Okay okay, I think we have all got on rough start. Hi my name is David from Switch.”
David reached his hand out for a shake but was shut down in a very harsh way.
“Not interested. Can the Wall of China move. You are blocking the flow of traffic.”
Parting the Red Sea, Nathaniel cruise by.
Rushing to us was the floor manager.
“Oh…dear… Valen? Nice choice of color,” he said as he looked at my ruin silk press.
“What the problem,” Nathaniel question. For a brief moment he lock eyes with Vanessa. Though Vanessa was quickly disinterested. “What you looking at me for,” she questioned.
“You two will dance with each other onstage. Hope you know how to ballroom dance.”
“She not dancing with him,” Zachary step forward.
“Yes she is,” said the floor manager. Checking his ear piece and watch, he dismiss himself before anyone could say anything more.
“Well this should be fun,” Nathaniel said before going to his dressing room.
I was carried inside and hastily cleaned up as everyone asked if I was okay. To be honest. I didn’t care. Sure he was kinda a jerk but he was cute. Never had interest in a white boy with fluffy hair but hey. I would be lying if I wasn’t a TCB fan.
“You are delusional Valen,” Rebecca sighed as she wipe the last strawberry seed from my hair.
“So we got off to a rocky start. He’s a chill guy on the show,” I blushed.
“It’s an edited show Valen. It could easily be scripted,” Zachary said.
In the back of the room was JV Guys chilling on some sofas.
“We should do something. Seek revenge. We ride at dawn buddies,” Dice said chipper.
“No we need to do our JOB and LEAVE,” Jean said irritated.
“I’m on Dice side. That Nathaniel guy is a real jerk,” Toran said.
Once again, Dice and Toran were short sided.
“Fine then. Are we still performing the Love Boat cover?” Dice asked.
Leo looked at LeeSung with concern.
“You didn’t tell him?”
“I thought you told him,” LeeSung said.
“We aren’t rapping… are we?” Dice said disgusted.
“Majority rules,” Kendrick said.
Toran and Dice were amaze.
“We sing. Not rap. Simon you don’t even rap. Look at him. Does he strike you as a rapper,” Dice said.
Simon twiddle his thumbs a bit.
“I think it would be fun.”
Toran choked up a bit, “Dice and I don’t rap.”
Leo sat up a bit, “Its something you can learn. Ex-S Records already approve our unit status change.”
Dice heart rate started to increase as he tried to keep his composure.
“So we are rappers now? Rappers? First you five go behind Toran and I back and recorded Shut It and Where’s Love. Now you switch our unit status.”
“You didn’t want to rap Dice! We get that! However are we suppose to put our desires on hold to keep you happy?” Jean asked.
The room got very quiet as everyone’s attention shifted to JV Guys.
Dice yelled, “When Toran and I got our contracts, it said we were going to be singers within JV Guys! Come on LeeSung! You saw the same thing! We sign the same papers that day! Did we not!”
LeeSung waved his hand around his body, “Look at me Dice. Did I ever strike you as a singer?”
“Enough to get you into the group,” Dice said frustrated.
“In K-Pop there are rappers. I want to be a rapper,” LeeSung said.
Dice let out the biggest sigh, “We aren’t a K-Pop group! JV Guys sing! Even if we perform Shut It or Where’s Love, Toran and I have no line.”
“Be the backup singer if you want to sing so bad,” Jean complained.
Just before Dice could rip Jean to shreds the intercom came on.
“All groups report to the stage for tapping.”
“That’s enough ladies we have a show to do,” Zachary said to JV Guys.
As we all left the room, LeeSung came up to Dice and Toran in private.
“We are perfoming Where’s Love.”
Coming on the stage, the crowd went wild as we dance our way to center floor.
With only two days to learn the remix choreography we did our best to break dance on the live television.
Though we were taking by surprise when The Collective Brothers started a dance battle in front of us.
They were doing head spins, backflips and crumping. Suddenly the music switch back to us. All the girls scatter to the front and tried to battle out our song Whenever, Whatever. Though the sounds of disasters were creeping in.
Cameron fell out of formation after one of the members of TCB push her to the ground.
Jean rush to help her up but she wasn’t reliant.
“I’m just trying to help you,” Jean muttered.
“Back off of me,” Cameron said.
Suddenly the DJ shifted the track to a slow jam.
MC Caleb stood in the center. “Now let see who can ballroom better. Valen from Switch and Nathaniel from The Collective Brothers, step forward. You have 60 seconds before the battle continues.”
Being cheered forward, I shyly step forward to be in the midst of my childhood crush. Everyone bowed back as Nathaniel and I ballroom in extreme speed. I knew how to ballroom dance so I honestly wasn’t worry about losing points for Switch.
Then out of no where Nathaniel stepped on my foot. Then he spun me around so fast I became super dizzy.
This cause me stumble really bad.
“Oh yikes, Valen of Switch was doing so well,” MC Caleb gasped.
“Don’t hate the game Valen,” Nathaniel laughed at he waved at the black flag section.
I walked back to the rest of Switch in great shame.
“It’s alright Valen.” Is what everyone told me as I fell back in the crowd.
“We are next,” Jean said to JV Guys.
Adjusting their mics, Dice and Toran struggle to wrap their minds around performing Where’s Love.
DJ queue the music.
TCB was shock when JV Guys took center stage.
Dice and Toran took the back formation and they pretend to “rap” the soundtrack.
One of the members of TCB, Alec, pulled out a large firework popper and shot it at Leo’s face. Then out of nowhere, a random string trip LeeSung, Jean, Simon, and Kendrick to the ground. The DJ cut the music as all the fans in the crowd became very concern. Meanwhile TCB was having the time of their life before throwing flour all over the five.
“You don’t mess with The Collective Brothers,” Alec laughed.
Dice and Toran took it as a stance to not help the rest of their line in rebellion.
Leo stumble to his feet. No one truly knew what just happen.
“You are just going to watch us get humiliated,” Leo said whipping the flour of his face.
“Yes we are,” Dice said as he push Leo to the ground. Suddenly Leo and Dice were fighting on stage. Toran tried to jump in pulled Dice away but ended up getting pop in the face. All of JV Guys were yelling at each other, on live television.
Varsity Guys came to the rescue expect for Maxwell. For he was disappointed in Leo’s carelessness to fight another brother on such reckless terms.
“Break it up,” Romeo yelled.
Dice ran off stage, passing the rest of the teams who were siting in the stands.
All of JV Guys felt a great shame. At this point no one care about the millions of Americans watching their breakdown in real-time.
“Toran we don’t hate Dice,” Simon plead, “He just don’t listen sometimes.”
Toran resentment grew as his teeth were painted in blood.
“He has some mental problems. He lacks social awareness sometimes. He grew up in Vegas with an addict deaf mother. Something you all are aware of. Yet you treat him less than. Screw the contract. I’m out.”
Toran walked off stage follow by JV Girls.
“Toran wait!” Vanessa cried.
“Such a great unit,” Zachary said, “Already trying to ruin our reputation on live television. Didn’t even think about Mr.Smith reaction to this.”
“So this is Switch,” Alec laughed out loud.
“Embarrassing,” Nathaniel cheesed.
David walked over to the two in fool anger.
“You set us up. Not a single staff is rushing to our assistance,” David complain.
“Not my problem,” Nathaniel smirked.
“Oh you are on the blacklist for sure,” David said trying to not put his hands on Nathaniel.
“Yes. You heard me. Both of you are on the infamous blacklist. Just created it right now. When Switch makes it big, your careers will be over.”
Alec and Nathaniel were astounded by David’s confidence.
“After what happen today, Switch will NEVER have a career.”

Matthew 5: 21-26