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01/10/17: Manifest

This story's purpose is to expose sin, not to glorify. As a reader, you are challenge in identifying what is considered sin or Christ-like. Remember, you are reading a testimony. Therefore, if God can help them, then He can do so much more for you! 

Jesus can heal you. 
Jesus can redeem you.
Jesus can save you.

Shatters. Shouts. Cries. Screams. Yelling.


Everyone in the house was awaken in the middle of the night to outrageous cries that came from Jean’s room.

Toran, Jean’s neighbor, came rushing to the Jean’s room to see what the fuss was about.


         Swing the door open, he witness Cameron throw her CD player at Jean, follow by her heavy jewelry box that hit his face.
                  “WOAH! WHAT’S GOING ON?” Toran yelled.

         “HE’S A CHEATER!” Cameron yelled at she kept throwing stuff at Jean.
         “I DIDN’T CHEAT ON YOU!” Jean yelled back.


Coming into the room was all of Rap Line. LeeSung rush to stop Cameron from throwing the TV on the ground but ultimately fail as it shatter on the floor.

Kendrick, Leo, and Simon tried to calm down Jean. It wasn’t until they notice blood was dripping down his forehead. 
         “Get the first aid kit,” Leo demanded.


Simon rush to his room where he saw Lily sitting in his bed.
         “I would get dress if I were you,” Simon said going to his bathroom.
         “Cameron and Jean are fighting. I don’t want the attention shifted to us sleeping with each other. Just go back to your room.”


Before Lily could say anything, Simon ran out of his room to Jean’s [room]. However it wasn’t long before he ran into Rebecca. 
         “What’s going on?” 
         “Oh Rebecca… Its your brother.”


The commotion got louder and louder. Though Simon wouldn’t let Rebecca get closer to the scene. 
         “Let me see him Simon!” Rebecca said. 
Suddenly Lily came up behind her. 
         “Help me,” Simon begged. 

Lily sighed and took her downstairs. 


“Everyone. Move out the way,” Simon said pushing through the crowd.
         “Why they fighting?” Courtney asked.


Suddenly they heard more things crash to the ground.

         Cameron broke out of LeeSung hold and ran to Jean in anger.


Before Cameron could lay a hand on Jean, Leo grab a hold of Cameron.
         “Leo I got the bandages,” Simon said coming in.

         “Let me see it,” Kendrick offered.


As Kendrick wrapped Jean’s forehead, Jean eyes began to blackout. As if he was experiencing a spiritual death.


Jean started cussing Cameron out. Some of the most foul, dirty words came from his tongue.

         “HEY DON’T BE CALLING HER THAT!” LeeSung yelled.


Though Jean ignore him and became more prideful. At this point all of BFF was summoned and witness Jean manifest to what we know of being beelzebub and prideful spirit.

Everyone, including Rap Line was in disbelief to hear the words that Jean was saying, come out of his mouth.


         “AYE CALM IT DOWN!” Kendrick said getting up in Jean face.
         “You know what I don’t need this! I don’t need any of y’all!” Jean yelled.


Coming to the front of the crowd was Leaders Line.

         “What’s going on,” Xan said yawning.

         “Open your eyes Xan. The prince and princess of Switch are fighting once again,” I said upset.

         “She thinks I cheated on her!”Jean cried.


Cameron tried to break hold of Leo grasp but he wouldn’t budge.
         “I thought you love me Jean!”

         “I’m going to sleep,” David sighed. 

Though I grab David by the shoulders. “You are staying until this is solved.” 

LeeSung took Cameron by the hand and sat her down on the bed. 
All of Varsity Girls came by Cameron side to calm her down. 


Turning around I told everyone else outside of Rap line and Varsity Girls to go back to there room. 

         “Why do we have to leave. This is free movie to watch,” Kylie laughed. 
This made Cameron snap again. 
         “DID YOU SLEEP WITH MY MAN!” Cameron yelled as Brittany held her back.
                  “Ain’t nobody want your ‘MAN’,” Kylie clapped back.


Jordyn came by Kylie. “This is not the place,” Jordyn whispered. 

Mia got really uncomfortable by Cameron’s comment. Didn’t help that it caught the attention of Leo. 
         “Calm down,” Brittany yelled. 

         “Jean just stop talking,” Kendrick yelled. 


Kylie threw her hands in the air and left the room. 
         “YOU HOMEWRECKER,” Cameron yelled. 

This made Kylie want to fight Cameron. 


Cameron used all her strength get pass Varsity Girls. Meanwhile, Kylie put her hair into a ponytail to fight her. Quickly Simon and LeeSung held the two girls. 
Though Kylie and Cameron met business and broke their grasp. The two started fight and it got really bad when Kylie punched Cameron in the nose. This made her bleed. 


Immediately Jean became triggered and ticked off. 

Breaking from Kendrick and Leo’s help, he rush to stop Kylie from punching Cameron again. There he took the hit for her.
         “Lay another finger on her and your dead,” Jean commanded. 

         “Kylie! Get out!” I said pulling her out the room. 
                  “Get a grip of yourself Valen. This is the reality of Switch,” Kylie laughed. 


Meanwhile, Cameron pushed Jean to the ground after coming to her rescue. 
         “Cameron stop!” Brionna yelled. 


Leo held back Cameron once more. 

Kendrick rushed to Jean side and notice the bandage to his cut was once expose.
Struggling to stand up with Kendrick’s help, David and Xan looked at me in awe. 
         “Help him,” I said.

David and Xan rushed move Jean to the side of the room. 

         “HE A LYING CHEATER!” Cameron cried before starting to pull her hair effusively. 

                  “Cameron! Please! Calm down,” I yelled. 
         “Yeah calm down-” 

Kendrick quickly place his hands on Jean’s mouth. 


LeeSung came to hug Cameron as she tried to cried once more. 
As Cameron laid her head on LeeSung’s shoulder, she locked eyes with Jean as pain filled her eyes.


Tapping on my shoulder was Lisa. “What should we do?” 
Giving some thought I said, “Cameron why don’t you go back to your room. Don’t talk to Jean for the rest of the night. Also if I catch you trying to kill Jean again, you will be suspended from the group.”

         “No but. Varsity Girls, can you take her to her room. Rap Line take care of Jean’s wounds. Looks like he is bleeding on his arm. No more sleepover okay.” 


After some more bickering, I was finally able to get Cameron to leave with the help of Varsity Girls. Though before departing, with permission, Cameron gave Jean kiss on the cheek.


Left alone in the room all of Rap Line sat next to Jean on the floor. 

It was eery and quiet. All of them could sense there was a dark energy in the room. Kendrick held Jean’s arm up and wrap more bandages over him. 
         “Why do you let her hit you,” LeeSung asked.
                  “Yea you do nothing to stop it,” Simon said. 
                           “It’s almost seems like you love being hit,” Kendrick sighed. 


Tears began to roll down Jean face. 
         “I just love her so much.” 
         “That doesn’t mean you let her hit you. She been putting her hands on you for years,” Leo said.

         “I’m just letting her get her anger out. I know its not her doing it,” Jean said. 
                  “Sure its the ‘demon working in her’. What did we learn in church… Hate the sin not the person. Well she can’t be cutting you up like this,” Kendrick said. 


         “Did you cheat on her,” Leo asked. 
         “Have I ever?”
Simon raise his hand a bit. 
         “Why did you call her all those names then. Doesn’t really sound like something you would do.” 

         “What are you talking about. I didn’t say anything.” 




         “That’s what she said to,” Brionna said to Rap Line the next day. 




In meeting between the two sub-unit, questions started to rise from last nights interaction. 
Chatting in the hidden lounge, Mia tried to not make any eye contact with Leo. 

Courtney shrugged, “She doesn’t remember throwing anything at Jean.”
         “Were they intoxicated?” Mia asked. 
                  “Jean doesn’t drink,” Leo said hoping that Mia would looked his way. 
         “Cameron doesn’t as well,” Brittany added. 

         “No drugs were found in his room. So the two weren’t experimenting with anything,” LeeSung added. 
         “Did you all not notice how heavy the energy was in Jean’s room?” Brionna asked.


Everyone shook their head. 
         “I don’t see how anyone could to have sleep in there.” LeeSung said. 

         “I refuse to believe Cameron or Jean didn’t know what fully happen last night,” Brittany said. 
         “Jean isn’t really known for being a liar,” Leo said. 


         “Oh but you are,” Mia said offended. 
It got real awkward in the room. 

         “This discussion is not about me Mia,” Leo said softly. 
         “How can we trust your words right now. For all we know you could be trying to defend Jean.” Mia said. 

         “Mia,” LeeSung said, “Jean seriously doesn’t lie like that. You can take my word.”


“Word?” Mia was baffled. 
         “Jean told you the truth about Kylie and I. So his words hold weight,” Leo confess. 
         “Yea he told me after I caught you making out with her!”


“OKAY!” Brionna suggested, “Let’s just keep an eye out for Cameron and Jean. Don’t want to make this a playground for the devil. Plus how can Brittany, LeeSung, and I raise our kids if there is all this fighting in the house!”


Mia stood up and quickly left the room. Leo was going to follow after her, but Kendrick immediately told him to let her be.

                   “We don’t need anymore ‘manifestations’ happening in here,” Kendrick said. 

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Ephesians 6:12

Matthew 12:43-45

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