The Archives of BFF

01/??/12: What do you think?

This story's purpose is to expose sin, not to glorify. As a reader, you are challenge in identifying what is considered sin or Christ-like. Remember, you are reading a testimony. Therefore, if God can help them, then He can do so much more for you!
Jesus can heal you.
Jesus can redeem you.
Jesus can save you.
Knock, Knock.
Jordyn was painting her toes in her room when she suddenly heard a soft knock. Putting down her nail polish, she yelled, “Who is it?”
“Zachary from the Dion bloodline.”
Jordyn let out the biggest sigh. “Go away,” she said.
“Can’t. I need to talk to you,” Zachary said as he waited in the hallway.
Looking around himself, he started to become very impatient.
“Please open up because people start making assumptions about the two of us.”
Jordyn threw a silent hissy fit before stumbling to her door.
“Come in,” Jordyn said as she dragged him inside.
Zachary was a bit amaze by the small room. The was three beds, one being a bunked.
“You change the room color to pink?” Zachary questioned, “Why do such a thing? Also what happen to your bunk bed?”
Zachary took a seat on Kylie bed while Jordyn went to hers.
“Sammatha moved out, remember?”
“Right… Joins the group just to not live with the group. I guess that why I only don’t see Maxwell wandering the halls with his tight turtleneck,” Zachary sighed.
Jordyn proceed to paint her toes and said, “Well Mr. Smith isn’t the most welcoming type. I heard the two were in some life or death situation prior to joining Switch. Maybe being here made them uncomfortable.”
“Well I heard Maxwell trying to convince Leo to be Sammatha’s dance partner,” Zachary laughed.
“You’re lying.”
“I saw it myself. Maxwell see Leo as an excellent ‘bodyguard’. I think he hoping for Leo to fall in love with her.”
Jordyn put down her nail polish once more.
“Why did you come in here?” Jordyn questioned.
Zachary put his hands up.
“I was wondering if you want to go on a date with me. That’s all.”
Jordyn scratched her head a bit.
“Oh aren’t you a handful. Be lucky that you are my dance partner.”
“Be lucky?!? I’m a heir to an empire. You can have a Dion last name. Meanwhile I get to date a blonde.”
Jordyn looked at Zachary with serious disgust.
“As if. Also you are not setting a good example as a lead singer. The dormcest rule still exist.”
Suddenly Rebecca and Kylie came into the room.
“Get off my bed!” Kylie said rushing over to Zachary.
“Are you always this angry?” Zachary said taking a seat on Jordyn’s bed.
“No, I just don’t like being provoke. Jordyn why is he here?” Kylie asked.
Jordyn glance at Zachary, “You tell me.”
Zachary fold his arms. He was slightly heartbroken by Jordyn’s rejection.
“I’ll leave then,” Zachary said.
As Zachary was leaving, Jackie came into the room.
“What’s his problem?” Jackie questioned.
“Nothing,” Jordyn said.
“Well is everyone satisfy with their dance partners?” Jackie asked.
Rebecca pondering around the room in reflection.
“Well Dice is fine I guess,” Rebecca said.
“I got Kendrick,” Kylie pouted.
“Uh! What’s wrong with Kendrick,” Rebecca said offended.
“He’s boring,” Kylie complained.
“He’s not boring. She just want him to act more hood,” I said walking into the room with Lily, Vanessa, and Saige. Which now the room was starting to feel overcrowded.
“Not true,” Kylie said.
“Oh is it,” Vanessa added.
Everyone took a seat around the room. Some sat on the bunk bed, others on the floor. Suddenly the door opened. It was Leo and Sammatha.
“What’s he doing here,” Vanessa whisper to Saige on the top bunk.
“I don’t know.”
“Um let me know when the meeting over so I can take you back to your place,” Leo said softly.
“Thanks,” Sammatha smiled.
Departing, Sammatha gracefully took a seat next to me.
“She’s in safe hands Leo. You can leave now.” I said.
Leo smiled briefly before gently closing the door.
“What was that all about?” Rebecca blushed.
Sammatha tugged on her sleeves a bit as she smile a bit.
“Perks of having Leo as your dance partner huh,” Saige cheese.
“He only giving me ride from my apartment,” Sammatha said trying to move her bangs out of her eyes.
“Speaking of apartment,” I said, “ How long do you plan on living there. Mr. Smith made it strict that we all must live here.”
“Hey Valen, if Sammatha wants to be rebel, then let her be a rebel,” Kylie cheered.
“She has her reasons,” Rebecca said.
“What if we get in trouble,” Lily asked.
“Then we blame Sammatha,” Kylie smiled.
Sammatha looked up in distress, “Wait. I don’t want anyone to get in trouble. I just need some space to adjust to everything. It was Maxwell’s suggestion not mines.”
“So what are we suppose to do as a unit,” Jackie asked.
“Cover for her and Maxwell,” I said.
Everyone looked unease.
“Well is your apartment better than this garbage dump?” Rebecca asked.
Sammatha observe the room a bit.
“It’s admirable. It has its charm. Cheap rent. Though enough about me,” Sammatha smiled.
I said, “Well Hand N’ Hand comes out next weekend. Meaning Kylie, Sammatha, and Rebecca are debuting!”
“Anything we should know before being famous?” Rebecca said cheerfully.
Saige raise her hand, “Be ready to be fantasize.”
“Be ready to be judge a lot,” Jackie chimed.
“Be ready to be shipped with members who disgust you,” Jordyn sighed.
“Be ready to be love and hated by many,” Vanessa said.
Kylie frown a bit. “What was it like to debut back in 2010?”
I glanced at Jackie, Saige, Vanessa, and Jordyn. All of us had mix reactions.
“I didn’t like it,” Vanessa said.
“Why? It look like you were all having so much fun,” Sammatha asked.
“Don’t let, ‘You and I can stop and watch the moon dance away’, fool you,” Jordyn sang.
“The press ate us alive,” I said.
“Surely Hand N’ Hand will be a great album,” Sammatha said.
“Let’s hope so because if this album don’t sell, we all will be kick out the door,” Vanessa said.
“No pressure,” Kylie said.
“What about Grace then,” Sammatha asked.
“We don’t mention her name in this house,” Vanessa said.
Sammatha retrieve her words.
“Yeah. I like to think of her as a distant memory,” Jackie puffed.
Jackie went to the door and slightly open it.
“David, we are having a team meeting.”
David smiled excessively. “I think again.”
He waved a CD in front of her face.
“Oh shoot. Thanks.”
Jackie snatch the CD, then close the door in David’s face.
“Your welcome,” David muttered.
“We have the album ladies!”
“Pop it into the CD player.”
An uproar of excitement wave the room.
“No way!”
“Yes way!”
Singing along, everyone started dancing around the room.
Our cheers and hopefulness dwindle though when we found out that we only had three songs on the 24 track album.
“So this is why you become a Varsity Girls singer…” Rebecca sighed.
“I know we recorded way more songs than this,” Vanessa said.
Out of nowhere, Lily felt her phone vibrate. Pulling it out she notice Zachary sent her a message.
[As-tu écouté l’album?]
Lily sighed and tucked her phone away.
“I can’t believe my brother got a solo. He didn’t even tell me,” Lily said.
“At least it wasn’t bad,” Vanessa said.
“Yeah. It was-”
Rebecca held her statement when one of the final songs started to play. It was a melodic track.
“This is me!”
Jackie went to the cd player, and increase the volume.
“Rebecca can rap?” I questioned.
Everyone was bobbing their head until a familiar voice faded in out of nowhere.
“Oh… Now when I was playing around in the studio… he…. wasn’t present…”
All eyes shift from the player to Rebecca.
“You made a song with Jean,” Vanessa startled, “he barely talks to you.”
“I didn’t make a song with my brother. Ex-S Records must had mesh our recording together. Why would they do such a thing! I was really sitting here thinking I am having my own solo debut!”
“Maybe they did that to introduce you to the group. So that fans know you two are related,” Jordyn suggested.
“He wants nothing to do with me! Oh this is bad. This is so bad!”
Knock Knock.
Jackie went to the door and slightly open it.
“Hi,” Leo said lightly. Taking notice, he heard the music playing in the background.
“Oh you all are listen to… the song.”
“Yea THE song,” Jackie said.
“Well if it make Rebecca feel better, Jean destroyed our room.”
“Did he?”
Leo shrugged, “Is your meeting over? I kinda need to take Sammatha back to her place before it gets dark.”
Jackie stuck her head inside the room.
“Sammatha your ride here.”
As Sammatha grab her things, Jackie poke her head out the door again.
“Why does your tone change when around Sammatha? You become so softly spoken as if you are in a library.”
Leo rolled his eyes. Before he could respond he noticed Sammatha came to Jackie side.
“Excuse me,” Sammatha said.
“I got my eyes on you Leonando,” Jackie said moving out the way.
“It’s Leo. Jacqueline.”
“You have jokes don’t you.”
“You have a very interesting file Jacqueline.”
“It’s Jackie.”
“Bye Jackie,” Sammatha said.
“See you later. Leonando Sanchez Cheez-its if I catch you calling me Jacqueline we are gong to have a problem,” Jackie said.
“Sure we are,” Leo said before dismissing himself.
“Ain’t nobody scared of you.”

Proverbs 16: 4
John 13:7