The Archives of BFF

??/??/11: You need a referral.

This story's purpose is to expose sin, not to glorify. As a reader, you are challenge in identifying what is considered sin or Christ-like. Remember, you are reading a testimony. Therefore, if God can help them, then He can do so much more for you!
Jesus can heal you.
Jesus can redeem you.
Jesus can save you.
At a private school in downtown Atlanta, Toran was in history class when he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was his best friend Keshion. He was rather short with thick tight curls, and brown skin. Everyone was dressed in preppy suit and tie uniforms.
“Ready for the audition?” Keshion asked.
Toran shrugged as he tried to pay attention to his teacher’s lecture.
Once again he felt a tap on his shoulder.
“I been practicing all night. I have the routine down to the tea,” Keshion said.
“No need to get all work’d up,” Toran whispered.
“No need to get all work’d up?”
Suddenly the bell rang and school was out. Toran didn’t seem to excited for the auditions. He was much more interested in getting good grades so that he could be a legacy at the HBCU Morehouse. He wanted to follow his father and grandfather’s footsteps.
Keshion and Toran went to their locker.
Coming up behind them was Caleb. He was mixed (Swiss and Black American) with eyes for days. He also had curly hair that hang below his eyes.
“Ready?” Caleb asked.
Keshion was ready but Toran was a little hesitant.
“You can’t flake on his Toran. We need you,” Caleb pouted.
Toran laughed a bit, “No you don’t. I want to be a lawyer when I grow up not a singer. Doesn’t even pay the bills.”
Keshion put his binder and textbooks into his locker, slightly annoyed.
“Did you not read the testimonies of the current BFF members?” Keshion asked.
Toran shooked his head.
“Seriously? I sent it to you last night” Caleb sighed.
“I’m sorry. I had a chemistry exam to study for,” Toran said.
Keshion pulled out his kickback cellphone and shown Toran the Ex-S Records audition website. “Look. Romeo, Theo and Brionna knew each other when they audition. Zachary and Lily or even Simon and Jordyn got in simply because they were related. They want pairs. We are a pair.”
“We are popular and attractive,” Caleb added, “We have a fighting chance. How cool would it be to represent Atlanta?”
Toran looked at his two best friends, wondering if he should try.
“Didn’t you go on a fast for the audition,” Keshion questioned.
Toran sighed a bit, “Yea my mother told me too.”
“And what happen?”
Toran paused, “I think I should go. BUT I don’t know.”
Caleb picked up Toran’s bag from the floor with great urgency.
“While you figure it out, we need to get on the city bus. Don’t want to be late.”
Without much options, Toran was dragged out the fancy private Christian school to the nearest bus stop.
On the bus, the three practice their set. The plan was to sing a Boiz to Menz song.
It wasn’t long before the bus reach the Atlanta Convention Center. A massive banner hang on the building saying,
“You. Have. To. Be. Joking!” Keshion said as they step off the bus.
The three were in disbelief. The entire southeast of the United States was summon to the building. The lines warp and zig-zag around multiple blocks. People of all ages, races, and backgrounds were there.
“We need to cut someone or we won’t get a chance to audition,” Caleb said.
“And who are we going to cut?” Keshion questioned as he glance around on his tippy toes.
Suddenly a group of black and brown girls were waving at the three. All of them were wearing similar private school clothes. Expect their blazers and skirts were a deep red in comparison to their navy blue and space gray. They were pretty close to the door. Only 40 people in front of them.
“And this is why its good to be popular,” Caleb smirked.
Toran’s anxiety started to rumble as they approach the girls.
“Caleb! You came!”
“Yolanda! And Yolanda’s friends. Ready for the big day,” Caleb said activating his flirting war tactics.
Smoothing his way, the three were able to secure the skip. Though some people were very angry but their entitlement.
Toran stood in the back of the group. Looking around he question if he should escape as the line moved forward. Suddenly he saw a young girl pass by him. Her face was rosy red as tears bawl out her eyes.
“Don’t worry.”
Toran’s eyebrows rose. Turning around he saw a girl with medium-long curly hair. Her skin was tan, with thick eyebrows. She also wasn’t dress the best for the occasion. Not to mention she had lots of scars on her expose arms.
“Why should I worry? I don’t even want to be in the group.” Toran said.
The girl bluff a bit, “Says the guy with a sign permission slip and application.”
Suddenly the line moved once more.
Stepping forward Toran said, “Okay maybe I like to sing and dance on my free time but even if I audition -”
“…you need to know someone in the group to get in. Yeah don’t we all know the rumor.”
“Apparently so…” Toran said in disbelief.
“Do you really think everyone here knows a BFF member?” She asked.
The girl let out a light chuckled, “Do you have a referral?”
Toran gave it some thought, “I kinda know Valen. We went to school briefly before I move to Atlanta.”
“Do you have a yearbook to prove that?”
“Toran. Let’s go,” Keshion said.
At the front door, Toran handed over his application follow by the girl behind him.
Inside the building, there was significantly less people walking around. There was four hallways to choose. Each hallway was a sub unit.
“Varsity Guys or JV Guys? We can only audition for one unit” Caleb said.
“Varsity for sure,” Keshion smirked.
Toran glanced at the hallway filled with people who wanted to audition for Varsity Guys. Meanwhile it seem like only a few wanted to audition for JV.
“Toran we are going to audition for Varsity Guys,” Caleb said.
Toran agreed and slowly follow behind them. However it wasn’t long before he felt a tap on his shoulder. Three taps to be exact.
It was the girl again.
“If you want to get in the group you better audition for JV Guys.”
Toran frown at her statement.
“I can’t. My friends want to audition for Varsity. Don’t you know that pairs-”
“… have a better chance at getting in? It only worked in the 2010 recruitment. You have to audition solo if you want to make it through.”
Toran glanced at his friends who were waving him down.
“Why should I listen to you,” Toran asked.
“You should listen to me because I know the first rumor is still true. I have a connection into the group,” she said.
Taking out her phone, she show Toran a photo.
Toran was in shock.
“He has a sister?”
Toran eyes became fixated on the girl as he gaze at her features then back to the photo.
“Yes. Jean Gonzalez has a sister and Ex-S Records is about to find out today. I also have access to my brother’s email. They aren’t letting anyone in for Varsity Guys. Well only one person gets in. But JV Guys is open. What’s your name?”
Toran was in shock.
“What’s your name love?”
“Terrance Smith. Friends call me Toran.”
“Well Toran. My name is Rebecca Gonzalez. Say ‘my referral is Jean-2-5-8-4’. That the code.
“Toran! Come on,” Caleb said from a distance.
Rebecca glance behind him, “Don’t give the code to them.”
“What if they ask for proof? Proof that I know your brother,” Toran asked.
“Your proof is in the code. My brother doesn’t associate with his past so the judges will be shock that anyone know his passcode.”
“Don’t let his ‘aura’ fool you.”
Toran thank her before the two dismiss themselves. Walking to his friend he briefly turned his head. “She auditioning for JV Girls?” He said under his breathe.
“Ready?” Keshion smiled.
Toran glanced at Rebecca once more.
In his head, he prayed for help, a divine intervention. Just as him and his friends approach the Varsity hallway a lady came out of nowhere. Coming closer to the three, she stop them.
“Sorry. No more auditions for the next two hours. The judges are on break.”
Caleb and Keshion were furious.
“There is always JV Guys,” she suggested.
Toran looked to the sky in amaze.
“I have to be home before streetlights,” Keshion sighed.
Caleb wanted to be in Varsity but given the circumstances, he decided to audition for JV Guys.
Standing in line, the three practice their song until it was time to perform.
“Now or never,” Toran said.
“Let’s knock it out the park,’ Keshion said.
Caleb led the way into the empty auditorium. There was three judges from Ex-S Records.
“Cute outfits. State your name,” said one of the judges.
“Caleb Johnson.”
“Keshion DeMatrius.”
“Terrance (Toran) Smith”
“Whenever your ready.”
Queuing music the three sang and perform their song with great harmonization.
The judges were move. Some even sat up in awe.
Each individual of the trio performed greatly.
Unfortunately the song came to an end.
One of the judges said into the mic, “Great job boys. Before you go, do any of you have a referral.”
“A referral?” Caleb questioned.
The judges gave the boys time to respond but were sure in their hearts that they didn’t have a connection to any BFF members.
Then out of nowhere they heard a voice. All the judges were in shock.
“Jean-2-5-8-3. I mean Jean-2-5-8-4” Toran said shyly into his mic.
“Oh… wow. Um…wasn’t expecting that. Thank you, Terrance? No, Toran. You have a Jean reference? Well then we will be in touch with you shortly for the next rounds of auditions. Caleb. Keshion. Thank you for performing but you will not be continuing on.”
Caleb and Keshion expressions turned for the worst.
Once outside the building. Caleb pushed Toran to the ground.
“WHAT WAS THAT!” Caleb yelled.
“WHAT DID I DO?” Toran cried.
“What a coincidence that you ran into Rebecca, “ said the interviewer.
Toran smiled, “There is no coincidence with God. He used my friends to get me to the convention center. He also use Rebecca to help get me through the audition rounds. I just wish my ‘friends’ at the time didn’t ghost me after that life changing day.”
“Amazing. Quick question,” asked the interviewer, “Did you pass your chemistry test?”
Toran was startled by the question. “OH! Yeah my exam I mention earlier. Yes I pass. I was that guy. Too bad I had to give up my prestige education for Ex-S Records version of homeschool.”

Proverbs 3:5-6